Arrival and departure times of ships up to seven days from now are available on the Shipping Movements page. Information on current cruise ship visits are also available on the Cruise Line on 9430 3335.
All cruise ships berth at the Fremantle Passenger Terminal on Victoria Quay.
Please note that on occasions the Fremantle Passenger Terminal is not open to the public due to requests from cruise lines related to their security requirements and vessel operations. The Cruise Line (9430 3335) will advise if the Passenger Terminal is open or closed prior to each cruise vessel visit. The carpark will be available for short-term parking and picking up and dropping off of passengers.
The best places to see ships entering or leaving the harbour are on the western end of Victoria Quay (at the Ferry Terminal, between A and B Sheds, or near the Maritime Museum) or on South or North moles. (See the Fremantle map.)